Dear God,
I don't really know where to begin so I will just do what I normally do and just begin speaking randomly. First, I want to say thank you for allow me to see another day. I know so many people didn't even wake up this morning, or if they did wake up they were in pain or sick, so I am excited you allowed me to see today feeling like a million bucks. Secondly, I believe I am going through a little life crisis right now. You have blessed me with so much, good friends and family, a job which makes it possible to live, shelter, transportation and food to eat. In church on sunday they talked about being in ruts, and how to get out of those ruts to glorify you. It's really had me thinking about my life and I can honestly say I am in a rut myself. I have identified my rut which is the first step now I need you more than ever to pull me completely out and dust me off. I have really tried to do a lot of things on my own and as you can see its gotten me to a point but I know that only with you in my life that I can get to where you want me to be. Your plan is so much better than mine so I am going to listen and let you guide me. My Granny always tells me to step out on faith whenever I ask her for advice on things, and this is what I am going to do. I am going to let you lead and I will take my place in the passenger seat I just request that you allow me turn to the Eagles football game on the radio. Finally, I just want to say thank you in advance for the blessings that you are going to lay at my feet. I get excited when I think about them because I know they are going to be big but I just need to get out of your way and allow you to do work. Well God until later on just wanted to spend a little time with you.
Welcome To My Thoughts!!!!
Hey everyone welcome to On The Chaise Lounge. This is my blog where I will be writing my thoughts on everyday life as I see it. They say the best therapy is writing down your thoughts and getting them out in the world so that is what I am going to do here, and its much cheaper than paying someone to hear my thoughts when I have tons of friends that can chime in and let me know what they think. This is going to be free flowing no real theme, just real random stuff from relationships, to sports, tv shows, the topics are endless. I want to welcome you again and hopefully through you, my followers, so I can get some understanding about the world and hopefully solve my issues.
Amen, amen!! Ephesians 3:20 is coming your way, friend! :-)
ReplyDeleteWe all have our "rut" time but the most important thing, and you've already touched on it, is believing God to bring you through it. No matter what may come, nothing and I do mean NOTHING, can stop you from receiving what God has in store for you. Do as the Word says,"call those things that be not as tho they were." Romans 4:17. There is so much power in your tongue. So I'll continue to keep you in my prayers and hope that God grants you a breakthrough soon. Just're never alone.