Welcome To My Thoughts!!!!

Hey everyone welcome to On The Chaise Lounge. This is my blog where I will be writing my thoughts on everyday life as I see it. They say the best therapy is writing down your thoughts and getting them out in the world so that is what I am going to do here, and its much cheaper than paying someone to hear my thoughts when I have tons of friends that can chime in and let me know what they think. This is going to be free flowing no real theme, just real random stuff from relationships, to sports, tv shows, the topics are endless. I want to welcome you again and hopefully through you, my followers, so I can get some understanding about the world and hopefully solve my issues.

Friday, August 27, 2010

When Sunday Comes

   Sunday is the best day of the week to me; In the fall you have football all day, with the NFL package extremely good day,  men's league basketball with the fellas, brunch at Pane followed by that power nap you need after Pane, and most importantly CHURCH!!!  Don't be shocked I did say church, I try to be in church as many Sundays as possible.  I am a person that wears their religion on their sleeve but I do believe in God strongly and know who to lean on when things are looking gloomy.

   As a child I stayed in church, my grandmother use to clean the church, and being 6 years old I had no choice but to be there with her.   I was there almost everynight attending choir practice, deacon board meetings, usher board, and other numerous events. Then when the events were completed I got the privilage of  changing toilet paper rolls, buff floors, clean windows, vaccum the floors(can you say child abuse) and stealing food out of the kitchen.  Sunday was the best though, started early with Sunday School, I am not complaining though because that was my foundation of my spritual life, it set the tone.  When I moved from my grandmother to Cincinnati to live with my mother we use to go to church every sunday, but that was for a different reason, we needed to send some prayers up because we were struggling as I look back on that time of my life.   I will never forget how my mom would cry as she raised her hands to god while she prayed.  I didn't understand it and would say why you crying mom?  Then later after church when her race horse would win at the track I understood that she was praying for that horse to win so that we could have money to get food for the week. When I became a yound adult church became the place to meet pretty young ladies, if you went to Fort Myers Chapel you will know what I mean, but it was the place that gave me strength. I can say that I played so much better on them Tuesday night basketball games after going to church on Sunday.

    The song When Sunday Comes has a line that says "When sunday comes, my trouble gone as soon as it gets here, I 'll have a new song".  This is so true for me because no matter what I am going through during the week when I leave church on sunday I feel like a new man.  I know that everything is going to be okay, all my worry have been taken from me and my mind is clear.  I use to hear old people say "why not try the Lord"....I use to think that was some holy roller saying to get me to join their church but in my adult life I have really come to believe that.  I have experience so much in my adult life that would have crippled most but my faith and love of the Lord has kept me going.  My advice to you,  is when things are not going the way you want them to in your life stop for a minute and have a talk with God.  I can make you a promise if you believe and trust in the Lord he will open up so many doors for you; even the doors you didn't dream of will be opened he is that AMAZING.  I can't wait until Sunday comes....



  1. This was particularly refreshing. I wasn’t raised in the church. My father…he only goes to church for funerals. My mother, although she was raised in the church, her life here in Virginia, including our childhood, has been so crazy. She tried a number of times to “get involved” with a church here and there, but there was always some type of drama that kept her from joining and kept us from getting involved and learning. That is one of the reasons I enjoyed my education at Marymount; religion was central to the learning environment.

    I think it’s awesome your expression about turning and talking to God and being able to release…and I will share real quick that I was always the type of person who would say, “You don’t need to go to church, you can worship at your house.” My ex-husband hated that. He said to me one day after we finished a dispute about me going to church with him: “watch, one day soon God is going to show you. He’s going to test you. He’s going to show you April.” Then, a week later, he suffered a massive 9mm cerebral aneurysm, followed by multiple strokes and severe vasospasm. He was unresponsive for 2 months and in the NSICU. That was the hardest time in my life, I have to say. We had our beef, but I didn’t want him to die and I didn’t want my son without a father. The hospital would call me at night and say that they thought it was going to be his last night so they’d ask me to come. I would go and sit by his bed, I’d talk to him, try to give him my strength to keep fighting, talk about our son, and most importantly: I PRAYED with him. I had people from his church come pray over him, Rev. Lee (Ebenezer, Ft. Washington), and two women, Stella and Michelle. Michelle gave me a prayer cloth to drape around his head, Stella told me to read Psalms 91 to him with conviction every day and to anoint him with oil. She also told me not to cry around him. I had nothing more to do, no doctor could help, my mother couldn’t help, my father couldn’t help. The only person I had was God. That experience changed me. I see the world so differently. He’s alive today, getting on my LAST NERVE, and every says because of the way I would pray with and for him and how diligent I was in doing so.

    I don’t go to church, although I wish I did. I joined a church in Stafford when he was released and attended regularly, was active, writing grants for them, doing much…but, I allowed the pastor to piss me off and I haven’t been back. I’m looking for a new church and your post just spoke to me because I said that the other day, “I need to find a church.” And let it fall by the wayside. This was right on time, Steve-O. Thank you. I’m going to church on Sunday. Don’t know where, but I am.

  2. What an uplifting blog. I so needed this the other day. There is nothing and I do mean nothing in this world like knowing you God looking over you. He's able to provide, comfort and love you like no other.

    I was also a child that grew up in the church. From as early as 6 yrs. old I can remember getting up in the choir stands and singing my little heart out to the Lord. Being raised in the church gave me a solid foundation in my faith. I don't consider myself a holy roller but I do believe in Jesus and that He loves us ALL in spite of our sins.

    Knowing I can lean and depend on Him makes everything alright.

    Daryl Coley (who sings "When Sunday Comes") is my favorite male gospel artist and his voice is a healing to my soul when I'm down and out. But the best thing about believing in God is knowing that although tough times may come and obstacles may come and try to block my way...I've already won the race.

    Thanks Mr. Miles...this was truly a needed word.

  3. The guest pastor at my church said this on Sunday, "Don't tell God how big your problems are, tell your problems how big your God is."
